Knits from the LYS -A Collection by Espace Tricot

Knits from the LYS -A Collection by Espace Tricot captures everything we love about our local yarn stores. Exciting patterns, yarns both familiar and new, and helpful tips on getting the results.
CHF 41.00
Artikelnummer: 978-952-7468-84-5
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For over 10 years, Espace Tricot has been the LYS (local yarn store ) at the heart of Monkland Village in Montreal, Cananda. Serving such a creative, artistic and multicultural community directly inspired this collaborative collection.

Designers and shop owners Stephanie Earp and Naomi Endicott have assembled a range of patterns that offer something for every knitter. The 15 knits feature a variety of constructions, difficulty levels and techniques. Challenge yourself or stay in your comfort zone - it is up to you!

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komme was wolle, ich hoffe, Sie finden in meinem Online-Shop Ihre Strickanleitungen zum Hand-Stricken.
Barbara Züger, Woll-Laden Burgdorf und

Attribute name Attribute value
Saison Ganzjahr
Person Damen
Kategorie Stricken-Kultur
Sprache Englisch