Our winter collection of 10 patterns features striking colours and innovative techniques, and bold and imaginative knits that play with pattern and perspective. So whether you fancy a colourwork challenge, or just some meditative time as the sun sets in the sky, there’s bound to be something here to expand your crafting horizons!
CHF 11.00
CHF 21.90
Hersteller: Pom Pom
Artikelnummer: HEPOMPOM43
8 am Lager
+ -

Great knits are like great art because they make us think differently, and the process of making can be even more revelatory! Showing us how we can look to, and beyond, our horizons when it comes to our craft, our 43rd issue is inspired by the work of women artists Etel Adnan and Hilma af Klint.

Etel Adnan’s work features landscapes, using bold and unexpected colours to portray the places where the land meets the sky, and Hilma af Klint created large abstract paintings of metaphysical meditations that she felt she had been called on to represent. Both show us distinct ways of looking at the world, and at possible worlds beyond the visible realm, just as a knitter or crocheter can look at a ball of yarn and ponder a plethora of outcomes!

POM POM MAGAZINE No. 43 ist was Sie suchen?
Sie suchen generell nach Strickanleitung, Strickmuster, Strickheft, Strickmodell?
komme was wolle, ich hoffe, Sie finden in meinem Online-Shop Ihre Strickanleitungen zum Hand-Stricken.
Barbara Züger, Wolle-Laden Burgdorf und wolle-laden.ch

Attribute name Attribute value
Saison Herbst / Winter
Person Damen, Herren
Kategorie Stricken
Schnitt Jacke, Mütze, Pullover, Pullunder, Schal, Socken
Sprache Englisch