Sunny days are typically associated with summer and we couldn’t wait to celebrate the brightest season for our newest issue. Aside from being an illuminating and energising guest, the stronger sun is also the reason that the warmer months are the time when so many fruits and berries come into season.
Along with the 10 vibrant knit and crochet additions to your wardrobe, we have a hand-sewn clutch tutorial by Carly Bauer Ambrocio, a sumptuous rhubarb recipe from Fi Churchman, and a beautiful article on grief and dyeing with pokeberries written by Jami Nakamura Lin.
POM POM MAGAZINE No. 45 ist was Sie suchen?
Sie suchen generell nach Strickanleitung, Strickmuster, Strickheft, Strickmodell?
komme was wolle, ich hoffe, Sie finden in meinem Online-Shop Ihre Strickanleitungen zum Hand-Stricken.
Barbara Züger, Wolle-Laden Burgdorf und